First we put our hats on, then our teacher Miss Chao gave us some tags that we pined on to our uniform so that if we got lost lost, an adult could dial the phone number that is written on the tag or drop us back to our school.
Then we hopped on the school bus and went to the beach. While we were on the bus we saw a lot of students walking to the beach then the bus stopped when we arrived Pt. England.
After that we walked all the way to the shore and it took only 3 minutes to get there. Meanwhile we saw the beautiful lake that had a reflection of a mountain that had a lot of houses on top of the mountain. Finally, we made it to the beach, and we saw a lot of schools over there and it made me have butterflies in my tummy. There were 10 schools called Pt. England, Panmure Bridge, Summerville, Sr. Pius x, Glen Innes school, Ruapotaka, Glenbrae, St. Patrick's school, Tamaki college and Tamaki Primary.
We sat down on the grass and we waited for the waka to come, 10 minutes later the waka finally came, the waka was brown and white and it was big as a elephant. It had lots of people on it. Then did we did a haka for them, and a Maori man was saying something in Maori then we sang He Honore, I felt very nervous so I hid behind my classmates like a mole hiding in a hole. After the song the Hawaiian people spoke in their language.
Later on, we sang Nga waka but this time I just looked at then the Hawaiian people sang e waka and smiled while singing. Then the Hawaiian people sang their song in their language.
Then we went to high-five them and said 'Aloha', which means hello in Hawaiian. Lastly we walked back to the bus and travelled back to school to do our studies.
That was my first time to be at a Powhiri and I hope we can do it again in the future.
WALT write a structure of a recount.
I know this when I use the orientation, followed by the body and the conclusion.