It is Thursday the 22nd of June and today at tech, the year 8’s did something different, they made a mixture of baking soda, icing sugar, tartaric acid, citric acid and vita fresh.
First, they put icing sugar into a big beaker which was my favourite because icing sugar was so sweet, after that the vita fresh was added to the mixture which I do not like but it was still sweet. Next a bit of super sour citric acid was added to the mixture (I do not recommend people with a sensitive taste should try citric acid because it is very very sour) then the even more sour tartaric acid was added and blended into the mixture, on top of that was some baking soda to top it all off and it was all mixed together. After that, we got to taste it, the taste was so confusing because it started off with sweet and then it went to sour and at the same time it was tangy and the mixture turned into liquid straight away! It felt like drinking raro with multiple flavours.
That was what happened at tech try making this yourself and see what happens!