The day my teacher was away
The day my teacher was away, it was the worst day in school history! Let me take you into my intimidating day. The day wasn’t just an ordinary day, it had monsters, a fake teacher and more! Let’s get into it!
‘Friday the twenty third of August’ “Ok, class the new teacher is here her name is Mrs Nice and she will take over for the day, please respect her” said Mrs Johnson.
“YES!” said John. Mrs Nice seemed familiar to Eugene, “Is she that person who everyone hates because she posts pictures of herself on” Eugene asked in his head.
“Hi class, I’m your cool teacher Mrs Nice but you can call me Mia”
“Yep, she is the person” said Eugene.
“Yay, new teacher!” said John.
The day seemed like a normal day until the teacher went inside the back room, I followed her and I observed her as she was transformed into something else. My eyes were glued to her new appearance, like a magnet I felt myself being drawn towards the Grudge looking character. Dressed in clothes one would expect to see on someone from an asylum, with hair covering her face, it felt like a nightmare had come to life.
I dashed back into the classroom, colliding with the door and stumbling over the rubbish bin and planted myself under the table. Everyone snickered at me, holding their laughs somewhere deep inside, it seemed as if laughing was prohibited in Mrs Nice or should I say Mia’s law.
Like I said she turned into a ghost character with her hair screened in front of her ghostly face. I informed Eugene about it but all he said was ‘LIES’. I mentioned it to John, he laughed and he started to gossip. Suddenly, there was a big bang noise and Mrs Nice entered the room with all the lights turning off and a creepy music box turning on with music used in horror movies. She started to hypnotize the students except me to do what she commanded. “I’m dead” (I said to myself)
I know you might be thinking this story might have a happy ending like all stories but I am telling you, that is not necessarily true. Hold on tight, or take a depth breath, or whatever you think will help because this could get pretty scary. Mrs Nice came closer and closer towards me and then boom! Complete darkness filled the classroom. I tried to turn on the lights but before I could, they turned on by themselves. With eyes wide open, I stared in every direction. The children were gone, everything was gone. I reached for the phone and fell forward.
My eyes focused and I realised that I had fallen out of bed. I woke up with my sister next to me telling me to wake up but while she was saying wake up, she started to change into the Grudge!
The End… or is it….Dun Dun Duuuuun!